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Everyone deals with joint pain of some sort from time to time, especially as we get older. When I was in the fourth grade I was playing softball and as I rounded third base my right leg went one way and my knee went the other. That was some of the worst pain I have ever felt. I saw a surgeon and he told me that I had torn my Meniscus, sadly it wasn’t torn enough for them to do surgery. So over the years I have reinjured that same knee many times, in eight grade when I was a cheerleader, in high school during PE and most recently last August when I had a car accident. Over the span of the last 24 years I have tried everything to deal with the pain in my knee. I have tried many different types of braces as well as over the counter and prescription medications and nothing has really done the trick long term. The best luck I have had is with medication. Including prescription pain medications, which is not the ideal way to treat this pain. As of late I have been looking for a better way to treat the pain without taking medication, and I think I may have found the answer.

There is a new brace coming out in this summer called the WellWrap. This brace is like no other brace you have ever seen or tried. This brace is embedded with NASA LLLT lasers that treat musculoskeletal joint pain. The embedded lasers in the Well Wrap provide stimulation to the ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) production which will reduce inflammation and pain and will help to accelerate recovery. The brace has not been associated with any side effects, it is found to increase circulation, and decrease inflammation and is a great way to help relieve joint pain naturally.

The WellWrap can provide relief for anyone who has joint pain, from athletes with sports injuries to those who suffer with arthritis. It only requires only 7 minutes of treatment TWICE DAILY. Meaning you don’t have to wear it all the time and doesn’t require treatment outside the home. Most people who have tried this treatment modality found  pain relief after ONLY 1-2 treatments. The WellWrap will also capture your vital signs while you wear it including temperature and blood pressure and the data can be found on the mobile app.

The WellWrap offers fast acting pain relief at HOME, with no medications required. Even though this is a new product that is not yet on the market it has been trialed by many people. Below you can see how those who have trialed this product feel about the product.

Watch the video below to see exactly how the WellWrap Technology works.

I am SO excited about the WellWrap and can’t wait to try it out when it is available. The fact that I can treat my knee pain without hours of icing or needing pain medication is fantastic. Currently when my knee flares up I have to rely on the RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation) method and rely on OTC or prescription medication. I love the idea that I can wear a brace for 7 minutes a day and be done, without spending hours treatment my knee pain.

WellWrap will be doing a crowdfunding launch this summer and will be offering a 40% discount. You can signup for information on the wrap and for information on the discount Here

Please check out WellWraps Website for more info along with pictures and video on the coming project.

With Love,


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