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Hey y’all! I don’t even know where to start!  When I wrote last and updated in 2022 I had no plan on waiting 2 years before writing again.  I thought I would do that update and then get back to regular posting. But clearly I didn’t. I can’t really put my finger onto why I didn’t. But I can guess. 


I think part of it was a combination of the fact that I kind of forgot about it. Which sounds awful. But it’s true. And partially just pure laziness. What do I mean by laziness? Well, mental laziness I suppose explains it better. In February 2020 I got the great opportunity to start working for the company that is now The Social Health Network. 

At that time I started freelance writing for their lupus and heart failure site. Writing 1-2 pieces for each site every month. 


I kind of at the time felt that I didn’t have any more creativity. The articles I wrote for them was all I had. I am still writing for them. But I am determined to get back to doing this for me. Writing here is more of a release personally and not something at this point I’m doing  professionally. This site is also about ALL CHRONIC ILLNESS!   NOT just lupus.  


I have big plans for this site. Big plans. Part of me wants to share with all of you just what those plans are. But part of me is scared too. If I share, maybe I will jinx myself. But I also very much have imposter syndrome. Thinking why in the world would I ever be able to pull off these big and lofty goals. Who am I to think that I could impact the chronic illness community in such a way. 


Those goals include starting a non profit. Which would serve many purposes and people. Not just people living with lupus. But people living with many different conditions and diseases with many different needs. Also writing more than what I do now. Think more long form. I would also like to get involved in some way with DV victims whether that be doing something on my own or joining current nonprofits. I have so many goals.  

I don’t mean to be cryptic but I wanted to at least put the idea out there to hold myself accountable. The same way I post on my Instagram that I was relaunching this site today. If I tell others I know I will do it. I don’t want to ever appear flakey or someone who isn’t accountable.   

One thing I can say loud and clear and for sure is that you can count on consist posts starting today! Exactly what that looks like, and how frequent that is.  I haven’t decided for sure. But I can say you will get at least TWO POSTS A MONTH! Hopefully more, but never less, unless I let you know ahead of time

So here’s to the future of theworldseesnormal! There are big things to come! 

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