According to the Invisible Illness Associate an invisible illness is a physical, mental or neurological condition that limits a person’s movements, senses, or activities that is invisible to the onlooker.
Dear Chronic Illness – Book Review
Over the years I’ve been told by many people that writing a letter is a good way to deal with big changes in your life. For instance writing a letter to your ex after a divorce, or to a loved one who has died. Or even to your body or disease after you have been given a life changing diagnosis. Pippa Stacey did just that.
Tips To Deal With Anxiety
If you have never woken up from a dead sleep with your heart pounding and your chest tight drenched in sweat from anxiety. Or felt the panic rising out of no where? If you haven’t I am so happy for you.
The Tides of Chronic Illness
One minute everything can be calm and stable and the next we are inundated with symptoms flaring, numerous medical appointments, x-rays and scans, blood tests, poking and prodding, emergency trips to hospital, feelings of bewilderment and concern.
The Side Of The Opioid Crisis You Wont Hear About…….
Opioids Crisis. Opioid Crisis. Opioid Crisis. Sadly, it’s not like The Wizard of Oz and just because I clicked my heels and repeated it three times does not mean it has gone away.
A Closer Look At Blood Clots
A blood clot is as a clump of blood that is no liquid, like you would think of blood, and has changed to a gel-like or semisolid state.
How You Can Avoid The Colds and Flu That Come Along With The Change In Temperatures
It never fails that as we start to say goodbye to summer and all the fun memories we had, we not only welcome fall, football and changes in leaves. We also welcome allergies, colds and the flu.
Words Not Required
By Bethany L. Douglas Did You Know That In First-World Countries, Studies Have Shown That The Abortion Rates For Pre-Natally-Diagnosed Down Syndrome Babies Runs Anywhere […]
It’s Okay To Be Me
It seems like no matter what you do these days it’s going to potentially offend somebody for some reason. It doesn’t matter if you are […]
Life Lessons
By Bethany Sibley When I was first diagnosed with a chronic illness, I never thought that it would amount to life lessons. How could something that […]