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For some lucky individuals writing comes very easily, they have no problem with grammar, spelling or punctuation. But the rest of us (my self-included) struggle at times to remember when to use effect or affect, or where to use a colon versus a semicolon. After I graduated from college in 2011 I never really thought that I would need all the information on writing and grammar that was poured into me by many English and composition teachers along the way. That was until I got the wild idea to start blogging last year. Then it was clear that I should have had more attention in those classes than I did. Over the last nineteen months, I have relied on family and friends to proofread almost everything I wrote and published. I can’t tell you how HAPPY they will be when they hear that I have found Grammarly!

What exactly is Grammarly you may be asking? Well, it is a grammar and spell check tool that is free to use. It will check your online writing and will offer corrections for any misspelled words or any grammatical errors. I have tried other tools like this and I can honestly say that Grammarly is by far the most comprehensive free tool that I have ever used!! When installed on your desktop or laptop the program can be used with Microsoft Office, Window or even Google Chrome. Of all the amazing features the one that I personally find to be most handy is that it is available for use on cell phones as well as your computer. Grammarly can be found in the both the iTunes and Android stores. I can happyily say that I will no longer be that friend with all the misspelled or grammatically incorrect texts and emails.

In the long run if you spend time doing writing of any kind you NEED this tool! Once you get it you will no longer have to be worried about what possible grammar or spelling mistakes you might have made in your writing, or missed in the proofreading phase. We are all human and are bound to make a few mistakes along the way. I have been using Grammarly now for about two weeks and I honestly can not say enough good things about it. I had been using it primarily for texts and emails, but today I used it for my first big blog post and I can honestly say that Grammarly has truly changed my writing. And given me the confidence to publish my work without asking someone to proofread it first. If you would like to check out Grammarly for yourself click here for details and to sign up for your free account.

With Love,


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Sat Sep 1 , 2018
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