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I have graciously been nominated for the Disability Blogger Award by Jordyn from Chronically Unimaginable.  I was notified by her on one of my recent posts. Thank you so much Jordyn, this means the world to me! This is an award of recognition to those blogging in the chronic illness, mental health, disability, and special needs communities. The person responsible for starting this is Georgina from She decided to invent this honor because of the lack of recognition present in these communities today. What a beautiful notion, don’t you think?

I have graciously been nominated for the Disability Blogger Award by Jordyn from Chronically Unimaginable.  I was notified by her on one of my recent posts. Thank you so much Jordyn, this means the world to me! This is an award of recognition to those blogging in the chronic illness, mental health, disability, and special needs communities. The person responsible for starting this is Georgina from She decided to invent this honor because of the lack of recognition present in these communities today. What a beautiful notion, don’t you think?

The best part about the award, in my opinion, is that you are peer nominated. Just as Jordyn nominated several bloggers  (including me), I will get to have the honor of nominating up to 15 other bloggers. This is such a special type of recognition! It really shows that I am starting to make a difference with my blogging to be considered for such an award as this. My hope is that not only will my blogging continue to inspire, help others, and promote change, but to bring people together as well. Let’s get into the rules of this award nomination.

The Rules:

  • Thank your nominator
  • Recognize Georgina from Chronillicles as the creator of this award and link her URL –
  • Use the Disability Blogger Award logo somewhere in your post
  • Copy these rules onto your post
  • Answer your nominator’s questions
  • Write 5-15 of your own questions (they don’t need to be illness related)
  • Nominate 5-15 other disability, chronic illness, mental illness, or special needs bloggers
  • Comment on each of your nominees’ latest posts to tell them they have been nominated

The Questions 

1. What is your favorite color and why?

My favorite color is PURPLE, even though it may seem cliche. Purple represents so much. It represents awareness for Lupus and Fibromyalgia, two conditions which have dramatically changed my life.

2. What is your biggest inspiration for writing about what you do? Why? 

My biggest inspiration for writing is spreading awareness and wanting to make sure no one ever feels alone. When I was diagnosed I felt so confused and so alone and didn’t know where to turn. And I never want anyone to ever feel that way. So I write to spread awareness, to make sure others know what they are feeling is normal and so they know they are not alone in what they are feeling.

3. If you had to pick one band/artist to listen to for the rest of your life, who would it be and why?

Oh geez, that’s really hard. I don’t know that I could pick one band/artist. I like so many different bands/artists. Hmm……  I’m going to pick two artists. I am going to pick Luke Bryan, Kelly Clarkson. I love both their music and their attitudes and they always make me smile when I am down. I could listen to both of them for the rest of my life and be happy I think  

4. What is your favorite imaginary animal? Explain.

A unicorn. Definitely a unicorn. I don’t think that needs any explanation because a unicorn is just pretty awesome!

5. Who is the most supportive person in your life? 

I am very, very lucky because I have many supportive people in my life. My family is amazing and without them I wouldn’t be where I am.  They are truly amazing. My mom and my sister are my rocks. But I also have some truly amazing friends who support me. I have friends who act as my chauffeur without complaining and who come and sit with me when I am in the hospital. I also have those who help me live out my dream to write and advocate by helping me edit my writing, because I am NOT a strong writer.  I can’t say enough about the amazing people in my life!!  There is no thanks big enough for all of them.

6. What is the best feeling in the world?

The best feeling in the world is being loved. I can’t explain it but to me there is no better feeling than being wrapped in a great big hug and knowing you are loved.

7. What is your absolute favorite book you’ve ever read or what are you reading right now? I read a LOT so it’s hard to pick my favorites.  I have always and will always love “The Great Gatsby.” I am currently reading “Salt In My Soul,” a book written by a young woman with Cystic Fibrosis. The book is a compilation of journal entries that she wrote over several years as she went through college and as her condition got worse. After she passed her mom put them together and published them as a book. I have found myself many times nodding my head in agreement even though our situations are very different, they are very similar. It is definitely a book I would recommend for anyone living with a chronic illness.

8. Do you have any pets? If so, tell me a little about them. If not, tell me about a pet you wish you could have (real or imaginary).

We currently have 4 dogs. Two small yorkies who are inside dogs, and two big mixed breed dogs who who split there time between the John Deer room and outside. I call them mine but technically none of them belong to me, and when I move back out on my own none of them will come with me. When I had to move home due to my health in August 2016 I had to rehome one of my dogs, Jesse, and my other dog Max passed right after he and I moved home.

9. When did you decide to speak up about your experiences? 

I have been vocal about experiences from day one. I joined a support group not long after I was diagnosed and was asked to be an admin of that group. Long story short that group was NOT the kind of group I wanted to be a part of, or be an administrator of. So I decided to start my own group. I got together with a small group of friends and we started a group about 5 or six years ago. I was able to share my experiences in that group freely.  But I didn’t start writing a blog until January of 2017. I had been writing more of a journal type blog since 2013 but my current blog was born in 2017.

10. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be and why?If not, explain why.

I would go back and change some decisions I’ve made in my past. I don’t want to go in to detail here but I made some poor decisions when I was younger that impacted my life in a big way. I wish I could go back with the knowledge I have now and make those decisions over again. Sadly, that isn’t an option and we can only change what we do from this point on. And that’s fine. Sadly, hindsight is always 20/20.

    My Questions For You

    1. What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned since starting your blog?  

    2. What is your favorite way to spend your free time?  

    3. If you could tell people ONE thing about living with a chronic illness what would you want the general public to know???  

    4. Do you prefer sweet or salty? What is your all time favorite treat?  

    5. Why did you decide to start your blog/advocacy work?  

    6. What is your favorite show or movie currently?  


    With Love, 


    2 thoughts on “Disability Blogger Award

    1. Hi and congratulations on your nomination! I loved reading your post; it was interesting to learn more about you, your interests and your illnesses! I also love your questions, which have a lot of potential for you to learn more about your nominees.
      I agree that unicorns are cool, but I think maybe dragons are better? I’d definitely choose Elton John over your artists, but each to their own!
      Georgina from Chronillicles ?

      1. Thank you for the kind response. And for creating such an amazing award!! It’s nice to be recognized for what we are doing in the Chronic Illness world.

        A dragon is pretty darn awesome. And I didn’t think of Elton John. He is a fabulous artist!!! He would definitely be on my top 5 list!!!!

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    Sat May 11 , 2019
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