I’ve been following Rachel Hollis and Sadie’s Jane Sabin lately on social media and they talk a lot about living your life with intention. More than that, living each day with intention. As I listened I thought sure I life with intention, we all do. But do we? Do we really live each day with intention? Do we get up each morning and have a true plan for that day, knowing exactly what we want out of that day? Or do we get up thinking it would be nice if something happened, but having no real plan of of how to get there? I can’t speak for you or anyone else but for me on most days it’s the later.
Amber Blackburn
Salt In My Soul: An Unfinished Life | Book Review
I recently received the book “Salt In My Soul An Unfinished Life” By Mallory Smith.** Through the course of the book Mallory shares about her life with Cystic Fibrosis, and so, so much more. When I got it, I’ll be honest, I wasn’t thrilled to read it. I assumed it would be the typical story about someones foghtbfor their life, with the sappy ending that we see so many times. But that could not be further from the truth. The book is a compilation of the journal that Mallory kept during the last years of her life, that her mother put together into a book following her passing, at her request. The book takes you through the most important times in Mallory’s life while she fights for life with Cystic Fibrosis.
Focus On The Fight | Coronary Artery Disease
Welcome to Focus On The Fight, a series of interviews that will be posted weekly, focusing on a blogger and their health.
This week we meet Maggie, she has a multitude of chronic condition including the condition we will highlight this week: Coronary Artery Disease
Before we get into Maggie’s interview let’s take just a second to look at Coronary Artery Disease.
Coronary Heart Disease (CAD) is the most common type of heart disease and is the leading cause of death in the United States in both men and women.
My Favorite Things | May 2019
I have been compiling a list of must-have items that I have recently ordered from Amazon. They are items that have truly made a difference in my life, for the better. These are not just things that I have ordered and enjoyed, these are things that have in one way or another impacted my everyday life for the best. We all know that sometimes the little things mean the most when it comes to our everyday lives when living with a chronic illness. So I decided to share my favorite most recent purchases with you. I hope you enjoy!
Focus On The Fight | Kristi’s Story
Welcome to Focus On The Fight, a series of interviews that will be posted weekly, focusing on a blogger and their health.
This week we will meet Kristi!
Before we dive into the heavy stuff, please tell us all a little about yourself outside of your health! About your family or your hobbies
I am a happy person who has an amazing life. The early years were difficult, but I did not really understand why until I was nearly 55 years old. I have been married for almost 40 years to my best friend, lover, life partner. We have two grown daughters who are also my dear friends. We love living in Maine but look forward when we will have a warmer-weather winter home. My hobbies beyond being with my family and helping others are writing, dancing and being outdoors (particularly summer fresh-water sports).
Living With Mental Illness | Kayla’s Story
When I woke up today, I found myself on the couch barely able to open my eyes. I reached for my phone to see what time it was. 10:07 AM. At this point, I had slept 23 hours since the morning before, and I went back to sleep an additional four hours before waking up to even eat something. This is a very minimal depiction of what depression looks like. My doctor calls it “leaden paralysis”, a symptom of Major Depressive Disorder, Atypical in subtype. It’s where your entire body feels like lead.
Disability Blogger Award
I have graciously been nominated for the Disability Blogger Award by Jordyn from Chronically Unimaginable. I was notified by her on one of my recent posts. Thank you so much Jordyn, this means the world to me! This is an award of recognition to those blogging in the chronic illness, mental health, disability, and special needs communities. The person responsible for starting this is Georgina from www.chronillicles.com. She decided to invent this honor because of the lack of recognition present in these communities today. What a beautiful notion, don’t you think?
Focus On The Fight | Fibromyalgia
Welcome to Focus On The Fight, a series of interviews that will be posted weekly, focusing on a blogger and their health.
This week we will meet Pam Jessen, she has a multitude of chronic condition including the condition we will highlight this week: Fibromyalgia.
Before we dive into the heavy stuff, please tell us all a little about yourself outside of your health! About your family or your hobbies !!
I am married to my incredible husband Ray, and we have one cat named Dorie. Our two kids Troy and Ashley have long flown the nest and we have three lovely grandsons (all Ashley’s boys!).
Dear Lupus | An Open Letter
Dear Lupus,
You came into my life with asking, without an invitation. You came in and made it known by all that you were GOING TO BE THE CENTER OF ATTENTION. Who asked you to come? Who asked you to invade my body and take my life away?? I sure as hell didn’t.
Lupus Awareness Month | My Lupus Journey
Today is May 1. For most that date isn’t significant, but for me it has a big meaning. May first designates the beginning of Lupus Awareness Month. May gives me 31 days to spread awareness I about a disease that 7.55 billion people worldwide live with everyday. So I thought there was no better way to start Lupus Awareness Month than to share my Lupus Journey. Here is a brief look at the past 7 years and my Lupus Journey!!