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January 2017 I was at an all time low. I had left the career that I loved so much as a nurse behind, to focus solely on me and my health. Something I’ve never been good at. Historically I always put myself behind others. Making sure everyone else has their needs met before my own. I don’t know why, but I do. At that point I needed something, something I could throw myself into. Something to focus my time on. So I started my personal journey to finding something I enjoyed and something that could make me feel happy again. I wasn’t sure what that would be but knew it was essential for me so I could crawl out of the deep hole I found myself in.
So a little over a year ago I started exploring my options of things I could really throw myself I to. And nothing was really catching my attention. I tried volunteering and that wasn’t a fit. So I came back to an idea I had been throwing around for quite some time. It seemed far fetched and I figured it would never amount to much. But I wanted to try it. I wanted to give BLOGGING a try. For many years I had said I was a “blogger,” but really all I was doing was journaling in an online forum. Yes, it was a good outlet. But I wanted more. I wanted my blogs to help others. I wanted to provide the world with Information, inspiration and truth! I wanted to be able to share my opinions on issues that really mattered to me and be heard. Even if it was only by three or four people, I wanted to try.

So I spent many days researching and looking at other blogs. And then many more days figuring out how to set my blog up. Finally after spending a couple of weeks working behind the scenes I put up my first blog. It didn’t go viral and wasn’t seen by thousands. Or even hundreds for that matter. But I enjoyed it. And I had a lot of ideas for topics I wanted to cover. So I just kept cranking out the content and praying that I would find a way to get my work seen by more. I felt like if my work could even help just one person then I had done my job!

My sole purpose when I started this blog was to spread information to others about conditions they may not have ever heard of. While also providing people, with the conditions I write about, more knowledge on their health. And also encouraging everyone to be their own advocate. I feel that knowledge is POWER! As patients the best thing we can do for ourself is to be educated on our bodies and our health. And to stand up for ourselves while acting as our own advocate. And I hoped that through my blog people will gain more knowledge and power.

Over the last year I have researched many topics that I knew a little about, but not enough. I have collaborated with several other great small businesses and have slowly grown my following. My blog gets on average about 300 visits a month. Which in the grand scheme is not huge, but I am happy with it. I am still working to grow my following so I can get information to more people all over the world. And always looking for new content to provide my readers. While doing all that is important, the most important thing that has come from starting the blog, is finding a passion. When I started writing I didn’t think this would amount to anything. But that’s far from the truth. In the process I have realized how much I love writing and getting knowledge into the hands of the people who need it most! The blog has given me something to pour myself in on days when I’m down about my current situation. As much as this site has been helpful to others, it’s been just as much help to me!!

With Love,


4 thoughts on “The Reason Behind the Blog.

  1. Amber, I completely understand your last statement. I blog as well, and I know my writing is helping others. But I also know that it is helping me, too. And it is definitely something that I can focus on in a positive way rather than getting down about being infertile and childless not by choice.
    Thank you for sharing your story with us!

    1. Brandi, thank you so much! It’s easy to get down about our issues. But blogging helps me stay positive. Most of the time……

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