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Why You Haven’t See Me Around Here | June Update

WOW…. June was a month for the books. I know I have been pretty MIA around here for the last month, I have been really struggling. It was a struggle just to get the things done that had to be done; much less doing things like blogging. I had all the best intentions to get all these great blogs up for you and really discuss migraine awareness month. But sadly that was just not in the cards. It was a month where it felt like everything that could go wrong, did.

Focus On The Fight | Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Welcome to Focus On The Fight, a series of interviews that will be posted weekly, focusing on a blogger/advocate, their health and their advocacy work.

This week we meet Collin Wong, and we will highlight: Inflammatory Bowel Disease, aka Crohn’s.

Before we jump into the full interview, Collin, please tell us a little about you outside of your health! Tell us about your hobbies or family!

I am a soon-to-be freshman at Case Western Reserve University, with a focus on pre-med. In fact, I hope to be a pediatric critical care physician one day! In my free time, I enjoy doing graphic design and playing the piano.

Don’t Feel Sorry For Me

I feel so bad for you.  Thanks, but there is no need for that, it is what it is….. Sometimes life hands you things you just can’t change and you just have to deal with it. Being diagnosed with some form of a chronic illness is no different. I know it seems like living with Lupus and chronic pain sucks and many days it does, but it’s no different than living with anything else. It is a PART of me, but it is not ALL of me. Just like being married is part of you, or being a mother. Yes, it’s a little different, but it’s also the same.

Look Behind The Smile….

By Amy 5 years ago

We all have heard the saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” This is absolutely true.  I have learned that as someone with a chronic illness, to look deeper than the surface that is presented.  The smile that is flashed for Instagram or Facebook. If you look behind the smile and examine the eyes, wonder what is deeper and look you see a deeper story and not the facade presented to the world.  

My Favorite Things | May 2019

I have been compiling a list of must-have items that I have recently ordered from Amazon. They are items that have truly made a difference in my life, for the better. These are not just things that I have ordered and enjoyed, these are things that have in one way or another impacted my everyday life for the best. We all know that sometimes the little things mean the most when it comes to our everyday lives when living with a chronic illness. So I decided to share my favorite most recent purchases with you. I hope you enjoy!

Lupus Awareness Month | My Lupus Journey

Today is May 1. For most that date isn’t significant, but for me it has a big meaning. May first designates the beginning of Lupus Awareness Month. May gives me 31 days to spread awareness I about a disease that 7.55 billion people worldwide live with everyday. So I thought there was no better way to start Lupus Awareness Month than to share my Lupus Journey. Here is a brief look at the past 7 years and my Lupus Journey!!

Dear Medical Provider | A Letter The Medical Community

Dear Medical Professional,

I know, it’s so easy to see a diagnosis or a medication in a chart and form judgment on someone before you ever meet them. I’ve been there, I’ve done that. I would be lying if I said I hadn’t. That being said now that I am on the other side of the bed I ask that you hold that judgement until you meet me. We aren’t all alike, just like you aren’t like your sibling or your cousin with the same last name who no one speaks of. All chronic illness patients are different. We may have the same diagnosis and take the same medications but that’s often where the similarities stop.

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