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Social Media | How It Is Beneficial To The Chronically Ill

Social Media…..We always hear about the negatives viewpoints and aspects of each platform. Like the fact that social media is full of highlight reels rather than what’s actually real. We only get to see what those influencer types choose to show us, which is usually only the highlights. Or the fact that the internet is full of what we will call “keyboard warriors,” who spew all kinds of nasty hatred into the comment section of any social media platform. They say things that they would NEVER say to someone’s face all because they can hide behind their screens or keyboards without any real consequences. While those are well known facts about social media, what isn’t well known, or often spoken about, is the fact that social media is a HUGE blessing to those in the chronic illness community. I’ll wait while you pick your jaw up off the floor. Did I really just say that social media is a blessing????

Focus On The Fight | Psoriatic Arthritis

Welcome to Focus On The Fight, a series of interviews that will be posted weekly, focusing on a blogger/advocate, their health and their advocacy work.

This week we meet Vickie, and we will highlight: Psoriatic Arthritis (PA)

Before we dive into the heavy stuff, please tell us all a little about yourself outside of your health! About your family or your hobbies !!

I am married with two grown sons and a five year old grandson. My favorite hobbies are reading and fishing.

What Chronic Illness (en) have you been diagnosed with? Which one will you focus on today?

I have psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis

WEGO HEALTH AWARDS | 2019 Nominations

I am excited to announce that I have been nominated for the WEGO Patient Leader Hero award and WEGO Best In Show BLOG. WEGO Health is a mission-driven company connecting healthcare with the experience, skills, and insights of patient leaders. They are the world’s largest network of patient leaders, working across virtually all health conditions and topics. Click here to learn more about their Patient Leader Network

Focus On The Fight | Hereditary Lymphedema

Welcome to Focus On The Fight, a series of interviews that will be posted weekly, focusing on a blogger/advocate, their health and their advocacy work.

This week we meet Jordyn, and we will highlight: Hereditary Lymphedema aka Primary Lymphedema.

Before we dive into the heavy stuff, please tell us all a little about yourself outside of your health! About your family or your hobbies !!

I love to cuddle my service dog, read books, blog, crochet, share my story online, and talk to my friends. I also especially love to garden when it’s summertime.

What Chronic Illness (es) have you been diagnosed with? Which one will you focus on today?

Hereditary Lymphedema Erythromelalgia Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Type 3 Chronic Fatigue Postural Syndrome Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Daily Migraines Asthma MTHFR mutation. Today I will be focusing on my Hereditary Lymphedema.

Grieving Chronic Illness

Grief is an interesting emotion that can be felt for any number of reasons. To most people, grief is associated with the loss of a loved one, or the loss of a marriage or relationship. Most wouldn’t think that one would grieve what they’ve had to give up. Or the loss of a life once lived. But that’s exactly what I think of when I think of grief. I think about the fact that I am mourning the life I once lived and the goals I once had. The life I had before Chronic illness rocked my life. 

Focus On The Fight | Fibromyalgia

Welcome to Focus On The Fight, a series of interviews that will be posted weekly, focusing on a blogger/advocate, their health and their advocacy work.

This week we meet Melissa, and we will highlight: Fibromyalgia .

Before we dive into the heavy stuff, please tell us all a little about yourself outside of your health! About your family or your hobbies !!

I started to grow my own food as a hobby. I enjoy playing with my dog ​​Toby, watching TV and reading science related books.

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Google Doodle Scores a Home Run With Its Instantly Addictive Fourth of July Baseball Game

By Amber 5 years ago

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Here’s Your New Fourth of July Summer Party Playlist

By Amber 5 years ago

user experience standards to many new sites and for allowing creators to spin up new, powerful sites quickly and with ease. And as a part of Big Bite’s and Amnesty’s shared commitment to giving back to the community, large parts of the project will be released as open source components for anyone to

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