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I Just Got Diagnosed… Now What??

It’s been months…….maybe years. You’ve been suffering alone because no one understands what’s been going on. The doctors have been shuffling you back and forth because they don’t know what to do with you. You’ve heard “Well…..maybe it could be this. Or it could be that!” However they are really just grasping at straws and making guesses because no one really has any concrete idea. Until you finally come in contact with that ONE doctor who follows that ONE path and found you a DIAGNOSIS! Which feels like you won the lottery for a bit. But now what?? 

Social Media | How It Is Beneficial To The Chronically Ill

Social Media…..We always hear about the negatives viewpoints and aspects of each platform. Like the fact that social media is full of highlight reels rather than what’s actually real. We only get to see what those influencer types choose to show us, which is usually only the highlights. Or the fact that the internet is full of what we will call “keyboard warriors,” who spew all kinds of nasty hatred into the comment section of any social media platform. They say things that they would NEVER say to someone’s face all because they can hide behind their screens or keyboards without any real consequences. While those are well known facts about social media, what isn’t well known, or often spoken about, is the fact that social media is a HUGE blessing to those in the chronic illness community. I’ll wait while you pick your jaw up off the floor. Did I really just say that social media is a blessing????

The Truth | It’s Okay Not To Be Okay

It’s okay……it’s okay to struggle, it’s okay to be real, it’s okay that you don’t always have your shit together. Life’s messy, especially when you live with some kind of chronic illness. Life isn’t all roses and champagne. Instead it’s full of messy houses, and dirty dishes. It’s full of down days where you can’t get out of bed, and high pain days. Life is real and that’s OKAY. When we live in a world of highlight reels and instagram perfect pictures it’s easy to forget that we live messy lives.

Why You Haven’t See Me Around Here | June Update

WOW…. June was a month for the books. I know I have been pretty MIA around here for the last month, I have been really struggling. It was a struggle just to get the things done that had to be done; much less doing things like blogging. I had all the best intentions to get all these great blogs up for you and really discuss migraine awareness month. But sadly that was just not in the cards. It was a month where it felt like everything that could go wrong, did.

Don’t Feel Sorry For Me

I feel so bad for you.  Thanks, but there is no need for that, it is what it is….. Sometimes life hands you things you just can’t change and you just have to deal with it. Being diagnosed with some form of a chronic illness is no different. I know it seems like living with Lupus and chronic pain sucks and many days it does, but it’s no different than living with anything else. It is a PART of me, but it is not ALL of me. Just like being married is part of you, or being a mother. Yes, it’s a little different, but it’s also the same.

Look Behind The Smile….

By Amy 5 years ago

We all have heard the saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” This is absolutely true.  I have learned that as someone with a chronic illness, to look deeper than the surface that is presented.  The smile that is flashed for Instagram or Facebook. If you look behind the smile and examine the eyes, wonder what is deeper and look you see a deeper story and not the facade presented to the world.  

Disability Blogger Award

I have graciously been nominated for the Disability Blogger Award by Jordyn from Chronically Unimaginable.  I was notified by her on one of my recent posts. Thank you so much Jordyn, this means the world to me! This is an award of recognition to those blogging in the chronic illness, mental health, disability, and special needs communities. The person responsible for starting this is Georgina from She decided to invent this honor because of the lack of recognition present in these communities today. What a beautiful notion, don’t you think?

Lupus Awareness Month | My Lupus Journey

Today is May 1. For most that date isn’t significant, but for me it has a big meaning. May first designates the beginning of Lupus Awareness Month. May gives me 31 days to spread awareness I about a disease that 7.55 billion people worldwide live with everyday. So I thought there was no better way to start Lupus Awareness Month than to share my Lupus Journey. Here is a brief look at the past 7 years and my Lupus Journey!!

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