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Dealing With Life’s Expectations | Infertility

It seems like no matter what you do these days there is always some expectation that you aren’t living up to. Or someone is shaming you because you aren’t meeting said expectations. As you grow up it’s expected that you graduate high school. Once you do that it is expected that you go to college and graduate and get a good paying job. After you graduate from college you should be getting married and having a baby while maintaining your career.

Does It Get Better? | Living With A Chronic Illness

Today, I stumbled upon a video from a mom who has a son who is on the autism spectrum, and has been for many years. She was talking about an email she had recently received from a mom who was in the thick of a new diagnosis. Her child was recently diagnosed and the mom was struggling, as most people do when they receive the diagnosis of a chronic condition. She asked the seasoned mom if it gets better. She wanted to know if life gets easier at some point. As I watched this woman explain her answer it made me think about how I would answer this question if I was asked. What would I say to someone who was newly diagnosed as someone who has lived with a chronic illness for seven years?

Chronic Pain | What The Media Doesn’t Tell You

 Living with a chronic Illness can be hard, plain and simple. Living with an invisible illness, one that causes chronic pain, is harder. It has become such a common practice for people to quickly judge another person based on their condition or based on their use of narcotic pain meds. It has even become true within our healthcare system and within the government. Sadly it is not uncommon for a patient to be looked upon as an “addict” simply because of a medication that they take. Much of this has happened in response to the media coverage of the Opioid Crisis and how the government is handling the crisis.

Living With An Invisible Disability

 Living with a chronic invisible illness is HARD! When you live with a condition that can’t be seen you have to deal with so much. Not only because the daily suffering isn’t easily explained to others, but because every where you go someone seems to be judging you. People always assume that just because you don’t appear disabled that you are just lazy

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