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Fibromyalgia……..Is defined as a widespread musculoskeletal pain disorder accompanied by fatigue, sleep disturbances and memory issues. At this time there is no cure and no definite treatment. The standard treatments right now are pain killers, antidepressants and anti-seizure medications. These help reduce the symptoms but don’t really treat the condition as a whole. So many people will turn to alternative therapies to help control the symptoms of their fibromyalgia! Let’s take a look at some of the most popular alternative therapies.One of the most popular natural therapies is YOGA. There are several studies that show that yoga may help ease the symptoms of fibromyalgia Researchers for pain have linked yoga to lower levels of fibromyalgia-related pain among those who participate in yoga. Another study published by the Journal Of Pain showed that people who participated in a 75 minute yoga class twice a week for eight weeks reported less pain and had a lower stress hormone cortisol level.
Another popular alternative or natural therapy is meditation. Dr. Daniel Lewis says that meditation may change the way your brain functions and helping to improve symptoms of fibromyalgia. A study published in Current Pain and Headache Reports stated that meditation can relieve fibromyalgia-related pain. Meditation may help calm the mind and ease the body, promoting deep rest and relaxation. End result it may help your body heal itself.

5 HTP has also found to be a popular treatment. It is a natural Amino acid that helps your body produce serotonin, which is the chemical that helps control mood. An article published by the Rheumatolgy International suggested that 5HTP may help Improve fibromyalgia symptoms. It can help to relieve pain, ease morning stiffness, fatigue, and possibly anxiety!
Even though it sounds scary, there has been a lot of research that shows acupuncture can help relieve fibromyalgia symptoms. Especially pain symptoms. With acupuncture one or more dry needles is inserted into the skin and underlying tissues at a specific point. Then the needle is gently twisted or manipulated causing a measurable release of endorphins into the bloodstream. (Endorphins are the body’s natural painkillers.) One acupuncture treatment for some may last weeks to help alleviate chronic pain. A recent study showed patients who had acupuncture had a decrease pain and increased quality of life.
Chiropractic care is a very common complementary or alternative care for fibromyalgia. It is used to treat pain in pressure point areas, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain etc. Chiropractic care may be effective care for fibromyalgia because it may reduce pain levels and increase cervical and lumbar ranges of motion. Chiropractic care is based on the principle that the body is a self healing organism. To reduce pain and increase healing the chiropractor will adjust the back. The goal being to restore normal transmission nervous impulses by  increasing the mobility between vertebrae, which may have become restricted, or slightly out of proper position.
There are several herbal agents that are used to treat in the treatment of fibromyalgia. Here are just a few:
SAMe (S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine)-This amino acid derivative may boost levels of serotonin and dopamine, another brain chemical. Limited research suggests SAMe may improve mood and sleep.

MAGNESIUM -Low levels of this element may be linked to improving fibromyalgia symptoms. However, research has not turned up solid evidence that taking magnesium supplements improves symptoms.

MELATONIN-This natural hormone is often used in supplements to help improve someone’s sleep patterns. It may also ease fibromyalgia pain.

ST JOHNS WORT- Though this herb is sometimes used to treat certain fibromyalgia symptoms, there’s no solid evidence that it works. A few studies suggest it may help with mild depression. But it can also limit the effectiveness of some medications.

There are many options for alternative therapies for the treatment of fibromyalgia, I’ve only covered a few here. Remember that you always need to check with your healthcare provider before starting any alternative therapy. I hope that something here will help you and give you some relief.



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