Did you know that HEART DISEASE and STROKES are the NUMBER ONE killer in WOMEN?? Causing nearly 1 in 3 deaths each years?
The NEW Normal | Redefing Life After Diagnosis
When The Old Me is Lost, How Do I Find a New Me?
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Filing Disability | What Its Really Like
Disability……Has almost become a dirty world for those who are trying to gain disability due to some life altering condition and have been denied. Filing for disability is a long and arduous process at best
Patient Physician Relationship | How To Handle Bad Care
Lately I’ve noticed a disturbing trend, healthcare providers that don’t take the time to actually listen to their patients. Or providers that act more like bullies than providers.
5 Easy Ways To Fight The Winter Blues
Have you ever heard of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or the winter blues?!? Do you or someone you know get depressed in the colder months of year? If you do are you definitely not alone. In fact it is estimated that nearly 10 million Americans are affected by season depression every year
Finding ME
I realized sometime last year that I have lost myself over the last few years. I am not the person I was seven years ago before I got sick. It didn’t happen all at once, but slowly somehow I disappeared. I no longer do the things that I used to love. And I would rather stay at home any day rather that going out.
2019 | The year of STRENGTH & SELF-LOVE
My words of the year are: STRENGTH & SELF LOVE. This is going to be the year I find my STRENGTH and find a way to LOVE MYSELF. And my mantra is from Joyce Meyer. It says: ITS NEVER TOO LATE FOR A NEW BEGINNING!! That’s how I feel about 2019.
Validation. Your Problem or Mine
How many times have you felt the need to validate yourself and/or your condition this week? Or even this month? How many times have you found yourself explaining your health to someone who probably has no reason to know what’s really going on? Or found yourself explaining why you can or can’t do something or go somewhere? Now let me ask another question….. Why do you feel like you have to validate yourself and your condition?
Best Practice Or Medical Malpractices | You Decide
At this point, I am tired of Michigan primary care doctors treating me like a drug seeker. I did not ask for any of these diseases.
Cold or Flu? How To Know The Difference
This time of year it seems like everyone is sick. Colds and stomach bugs and even the FLU. But sometimes it’s hard to differentiate between a cold or the full blown flu especially for those of us with weakened immune systems.